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COBI.wms is the COBISOFT Warehouse Management Solution for SAP Business One.

The solution's main component is an Android app that can be installed from the Google Play Store. The app can be installed on any device using the Android operating system, version 5.0 or higher. However, Android 8.1 or higher is strongly recommended for new installations. To access the Google Play Store, you need to have a Google account set up on the Android device.

The minimum supported screen resolution is WVGA (800×480). For more comfort, an HD display (1280×720) is recommended. For efficient barcode scanning, a device with a built-in barcode scanner is recommended. Otherwise, the device's camera may also be used, or a Bluetooth-connected barcode scanner.

Feature List: See here for a complete and detailed list of features supported by COBI.wms.

Release Notes: See here for a list of changes introduced with each new version of COBI.wms.

Architecture and Installation

Architecture Overview: For a detailed description of the infrastructure and architecture of COBI.wms, please visit this page. Following is a summary of the different ways the Android app can connect to SAP Business One:

  1. On-premises or private-cloud: Direct DB connection (read-only) + Service Layer (read/write)
  2. On-premises (old method): Direct DB connection (read-only) + Integration Framework (write-only)
  3. Public cloud: Service Layer only (read/write)

The preferred connection method depends on the type of your SAP Business One deployment (on-premises, private cloud, public cloud) and on the version of SAP Business One. Depending on the connection method, you may need one or more of the optional components described below.

Installation Guides

If you want to properly understand COBI.wms and how to successfully implement it, it is strongly recommended to take a look at all parts of the documentation, especially the architecture, and not just follow a simple step-by-step guide. However, the following page offers such guides so you can have a check-list of tasks to follow when performing an implementation:

Installation Guides: See here for installation guides for the various deployment types of COBI.wms.

Additional Components

Management Database: This database should be created in on-premises or private cloud environments as a first step. It allows you to centrally define connections to SAP Business One databases, assign licenses, handle module permissions, and more.

HANA Proxy: This utility is required in on-premises or private cloud environments using the SAP HANA database engine. The app will use it to connect to the Management Database as well as the SAP Business One company databases.

Print Service: The COBI.wms Print Service is a minimal Windows service that allows the app to trigger Coresuite Remote Print. It is ideally installed alongside Coresuite Service for fully automated printing of documents booked via COBI.wms.

Integration Framework Scenario Package: This Integration Scenario Package is required for older SAP Business One systems where Service Layer is not available, for example SAP Business One 9.x based on MS SQL Server. Note that it's strongly recommended to update to SBO 10.x and utilize Service Layer instead.

App Configuration

To start using the app, you must either connect it to a COBI.wms Management Database, or configure SAP Business One connections directly within the app.

cobiwms-config.html: Use this tool to easily create a settings QR Code for any type of connection.

After you've followed the instructions of the config tool and generated the QR Code, open the app and click on the top right barcode icon to activate the device's camera for scanning. If you're using an Android device with a built-in 2D scanner, such as devices from Honeywell or Zebra, you can also use the built-in scanner.

App Options: The app supports a number of options to fine-tune it to your workflows. Visit this page for details on the supported options.

Printing & Labels

Print Settings: The app can print wares labels directly without the use of any additional server component. Alternatively, it can contact the COBI.wms Print Service to trigger server-side printing. Visit this page for details.

Print Service: The COBI.wms Print Service is a minimal Windows service that allows the app to trigger Coresuite Remote Print. It is ideally installed alongside Coresuite Service for fully automated printing of documents booked via COBI.wms.

Label Templates: The labels printed directly from the app can be designed in HTML. Visit this page to learn how to create label templates for the app.

User Manual

User Manual: For a detailed explanation of the app's usage, see here.

Other Guides

Choosing an Android Device

Recommended Devices: Some Android devices have been tried and tested to make sure they work well with the app. Visit this page for device recommendations.

Configuring Your Android Device

DataWedge Settings: Zebra devices need additional configuration to integrate the scanner with the app. Visit this page for instructions.

Barcode scanning via Bluetooth: It is possible to connect a Bluetooth-based barcode scanner to an Android device, but only few such scanners are compatible with the app. Visit this page for details.


GS1 Barcodes: See here for what GS1 barcodes are and how COBI.wms supports them.

Barcode Troubleshooting: See here for how to troubleshoot issues you may encounter with scanning barcodes with COBI.wms.

Service Layer Problems

Service Layer Uploads: Uploading attachments with Service Layer often requires additional configuration. See here for details.

Troubleshooting with Postman: If Service Layer is giving you error messages despite everything being configured correctly, you can use the Postman tool to make sure the problem is not caused by COBI.wms.

Known Limitations

Known issues: This page lists a number of known limitations that affect the app, which are caused by underlying issues in SAP Business One.


Frequently Asked Questions: See this page for some frequently asked questions about COBI.wms.

cobi.wms.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/20 07:11 by tkammer

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