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Release Notes

Version (May 2024)

  • Possibility to post to cost centres
  • Selection of employees in the manual time recording module
  • Comment field for approval or rejection of absence requests, which is also displayed in the applicant's notifications
  • Absence management: differentiation between paid and unpaid absences

Version 1.9.4. (March 2024)

  • Display of the business partner for selection in the case of manual time entry
  • Requests for time correction possible, automatic adjustment of the time account
  • Project times are displayed in the daily history
  • Authorisation system for projects from project management and service calls
  • Log files
  • Performance optimisations
  • Design adjustments

Version (February 2024)

  • Optimisation of performance when working with multiple project levels
  • Bugfix: Posting business trip times

Version (February 2024)

  • New function: Time accounts for all employees can be recalculated in the event of discrepancies
  • Bugfix: Correct display of project working times in the time report

Version (January 2024)

  • Bugfix: Correct carryover of remaining holiday days to the new year (holiday account)

Version (January 2024)

  • Optimisation of the terminal mode
  • Bugfix: Approval of absence requests

Version (Janauary 2024)

  • Deauthorised users are no longer displayed for selection in the time report
  • Optimisation of the absence overview

Version (December 2023 Hotfix)

  • Deactivated users are no longer displayed for selection in the time report
  • Bugfix: Absence requests submitted in version lower than 1.9.3 can now be authorised
  • Bugfix: Project levels without names in SAP are now displayed as an empty field for selection
  • In the time reports exported to Excel, the working and break times are shown separately.

Version (December 2023)

  • New setting: Business trip button should only appear on the day when there is an approved business trip
  • Bugfix: Display business trips in the absence overview

Version 1.9.3 (November 2023)

  • Users can book business trips
  • Managers and deputies can be assigned in the user administration to receive absence requests
  • Users also have the option to receive notifications by email
  • In the absence overview, the date is displayed in the individual columns
  • The annual leave is calculated automatically at the turn of the year
  • When booking on projects, a search field has been added so that you can search for projects and levels
  • Version for mobile phones is available

Version (August 2023)

  • Optimisation of user and daily model management
  • Redesign of the manual time recording
  • Definition of user rights has been revised
  • User group module: Overview of user rights has been optimised
  • New setting: Default setting for a federal state can be selected
  • The public holiday calendar for the next year can be imported at any time.

Version 1.9.2 (August 2023)

  • Possibility to request half a day of leave
  • Optimisation of the absence overview
  • New setting: You can choose in which language notifications should be generated

Version 1.9.1 (July 2023)

  • Unordered List ItemExtension of the public holiday management: it is possible to import public holidays for different federal states (currently only Germany).
  • Federal states can be assigned to individual users. The federal states are now taken into account when working time is calculated.
  • Adaption of the dark mode to manual time recording, user group administration, user administration and time correction.

Version (June 2023)

  • Optimisation of the time recording
  • Optimasation of the attandance list

Version 1.9.0 (May 2023)

  • Implementation of a new User Interface (UI)

Version (March 2023)

  • New setting option : When selecting projects in project management, the name of the finance project is displayed.
  • New setting option: The cost centre can be shown or hidden during manual time recording.
  • New setting option: A comment field for the time correction can be shown or hidden.
  • In case of several absence requests of an employee, an overview (list) of all requests is now opened
  • Bugfix regarding the creation of time sheets in older SAP versions

Version (February 2023)

  • New setting option: A comment field for posting on projects can be shown or hidden.
  • New setting option: Automatic break correction

Version (January 2023)

  • New colour options for creating reasons for absence
  • Users within the user administration are sorted by last name
  • Users within the absence overview are sorted by first name
  • Possible correction of the remaining holidays from the previous year
  • Weekends are greyed out in the absence overview
  • Improved communication speed between COBI.time and SAP with regards to notifications
  • Bugfix, when leaving the attendance list, it is no longer displayed afterwards.

Version (September 2022)

  • RFID-Login, ability to log into COBI.Time with a RFID chip.
  • Automatically working time capping, it is now possible to set a check mark for weekly time models, then the working time outside of the start and end time will be capped.
release_notes.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/04 10:35 by hbernhardt

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