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Release Notes
Table of Contents
Version 2.38 (August 2023)
- Pick lists based on production orders are now supported.
- Production orders of type “Special” are now supported. (They are treated the same as standard production orders.)
- You can now add new attachments to old Delivery and Purchase Receipt documents by opening them from the history screen. (Top right “clock” icon in the Purchase Receipt and Sales Delivery modules.)
- Signature attachments can now be added to all documents.
- You can now add new attachments to items.
- Swedish translation has been added.
Item Master Data
- Advanced active/inactive date ranges in item master data are now also supported.
- Caching of item master data is now more granular: COBI.wms will continually retrieve items that were newly added to SAP Business One. Updates to existing items still require a restart of the app to take effect.
User Interface
- New Option: Show the “Free Text” field of document lines in the app.
- The due date of individual Purchase Order lines are now shown in the Purchase Receipt module, if they are different from the due date on the document header.
- COBI.wms can now retrieve the address of the Print Service from the Management Database so you don't have to configure it manually on all your Android devices.
Version 2.36 PL11
- Ability to add a signature to a delivery document by drawing on the screen.
- New Option: Block over-quantity: This will disallow over-quantities in all modules
- Document printing via Coresuite is now supported for all document types that can be booked with the app
Version 2.36 PL3
- Support for picking items that have “Issue primarily by” set to “Bin Locations” in the Item Master Data.
- Display current login information (company and user) at the top of the Main Menu.
- Ability to set a Session Timeout in the Options screen. When this is set to a value greater than zero, the app will log out automatically after the specified number of minutes.
Version 2.36 PL2
- There is a new option to disable batch/serial numbers in the Picking module. This means the app won't ask the user for batch/serial numbers during picking. The batch/serial numbers will have to be provided later to complete the process, such as when creating a Delivery Note or Inventory Transfer from the Pick List.
Version 2.36 (May 2023)
- The Purchase Receipt module now supports Reserve Invoices.
- You can now scan the supplier catalog numbers of items as barcodes.
- In the Purchase Order module, before selecting a supplier, you can now scan an item barcode, which will select the main supplier of that item as per your SAP Business One item master data. Alternatively, if the scanned barcode was a supplier catalog number, then the corresponding supplier will be selected.
- The warehouse filtering feature has been expanded to include the Picking module: In the Options screen of the app, you can now enable a new filtering option (checkbox) to make the Picking module only display pick lists for the warehouse chosen in the Options screen.
- The freight costs (AKA “additional expenses”) of base documents (sales order or reserve invoice) are now always correctly copied to a delivery note that is created via the Picking module. Previously, the freight costs would in some cases get lost when using the Picking module to create a delivery note.
- There is a new checkbox in the Options screen under the Picking section called “Display line details by default” which does exactly what it says: when you enter a pick list, the details of the lines (such as customer and due date), which can normally be displayed by long-clicking on the line, will already be shown for all lines.
- The Issue for Production and Receipt from Production modules now display the completed and total quantity of the production order, and use color-coding to indicate the status. (White = no completion, Yellow = partial completion, Green = total completion)
- In the Issue for Production and Receipt for Production modules, you can now long-click on a production order to close it, unless the option to disallow the closing of production orders is selected in the Options screen of the app.
Units of Measurement
- Units of measurements are now correctly filtered in purchase and sales modules on a per-item master data basis (i.e., based on the
table). - Correct handling of changes in Unit of Measurement master data: In SAP Business One, if you use a UoM in a document, then change its value, the document will retain the original value. For example, if you have “1 Pallet = 10 Pieces” and create a Sales Order for 5 Pallets, then change the UoM group to “1 Pallet = 12 Pieces” then the original Sales Order still expects 50 Pieces to be delivered, not 60 Pieces. This used to confuse COBI.wms, which in this example would have asked you for 60 Pieces, possibly leading to an error due to quantity mismatch in batch numbers. Now, COBI.wms looks at the UoM data stored in each document line, not just the current UoM group definition, so everything works as expected.
- The live search mechanism has been improved: when you enter multiple words into the search field, each word will be searched individually, and you will get a list of items for which each word matched. For example, while looking for a business partner, you could enter the text “c2 micro” to find a business partner whose code is “C20000” and whose name is “Microchips Ltd.” since the word “c2” will match the code and the word “micro” will match the name.
- Screens which display a list of open documents (open sales orders, open purchase orders, etc.) will now auto-refresh once every 60 seconds.
- Improved handling of date inputs: The app will now display an alert if it can't parse a date value you've provided, such as for the production or expiry date of a batch number, instead of silently ignoring your input. You can now also use dashes or slashes to separate the date values, for example, all of “01.12”, “01-12”, and “01/12” will be interpreted as December 1st. (American ordering of month/day is not supported.)
- In the Options screen, you can choose a different screen resolution and font size to override the Android device's settings.
- In on-premises deployments using the Management Database, you normally have to store SAP Business One passwords in a column of the Companies and/or Users tables to allow the app to log in via Service Layer. There is now a way to avoid this if desired. Create a COBI.wms User (see Management Database documentation) with an identical username and password to an SAP Business One User. (The passwords of COBI.wms Users aren't stored in the database, only a salted hash to compare during login attempts.) After verifying the COBI.wms User login, the app will try to use the same username and password for Service Layer if it can't find any username/password in the Companies and Users tables of the Management Database.
Version 2.34 (January 2023)
- Picking: Support pre-allocated Bin Locations regardless of SAP Business One deployment type (previously this was only supported in deployments where a direct database connection can be established)
- Sales Delivery: Show the Transport Type of Sales Orders if specified
- Sales Delivery: When creating a Packing Slip, allow scanning of Package Type when adding a new packaging unit
- Inventory Transfer: Support optionally specifying the Target Bin Location directly in the same input screen instead of in a separate step
Version 2.32 (December 2022)
- Many screens now support Android's pull-down-to-refresh gesture
- In the Item List module, scan a bin location to see its contents
- You can now open the attachments of an item, not only display its image
- You can now change the language in the Options screen
- Support for landscape-orientation printing (rotate layout by 90 degrees)
- The app won't show inactive (locked) Units of Measurement anymore
- SQL query performance improvements
Version 2.30 PL10
- When you select a batch number but there is another batch in the warehouse with a sooner expiry date, the app will notify you about it
- The booked document screen shown after a successful transaction will list the remaining on-hand quantities of items if the booking was an outgoing transaction
Version 2.30 (November 2022)
- New Module: Purchase Request
- New Option: Ignore bin location sort code
- Scan a bin location to show its contents
- Warn about expired or locked batches
- Various UI improvements and bug fixes
- SQL query performance improvements
Version 2.28 PL4 (October 2022)
- New Option: Allow booking of draft documents
Version 2.28 (September 2022)
- Ability to choose price list in plus/minus booking and inventory transfer
- New Option: Default price list for plus/minus booking and inventory transfer
- New Option: Allow adding document lines with negative quantities
- Issue for Production: Support for Resources and Text lines
- The Print Service now supports multi-tenancy
- Print settings can be imported by scanning a QR Code
- Use names instead of codes for units of measurement
- Minor performance improvements in SQL queries
- Ability to use Service Layer and SQL queries in parallel
- Improved diagnostics information, e.g. in error messages
- Automatic detection of SAP Business One version for better SBO 9.x support
Version 2.26 (August 2022)
- Support for by-products in production orders
- Support for weight-embedded EAN and UPC barcodes
- Document line overview shows all locations/batches within lines
- Inventory Counting: Can set counted quantity explicitly to zero
- Calendar widgets for easier input of date values
- Label templates may now include business partner catalog code/name of item
- New Option: In Purchase Receipts, default to Inventory UoM instead of Purchase UoM
- Rename “Relocation” to “Inventory Transfer” to align with SAP Business One
- Rename “Receipt” to “Purchase Receipt” for easier understanding
- Rename “Delivery” to “Sales Delivery” for easier understanding
Version 2.24 (June 2022)
- Polish translation
- Ability to display item images
- Support old “Items per Purchase/Sales Unit” mechanism
- Improve the Serial Number management method “On Release Only”
- Improvements in performance, stability, usability, and diagnostics
Version 2.22 PL16
- Added French translation
- Support NETUM DS7500 Bluetooth barcode scanner in keyboard mode
- Improve GS1 barcode generation of COBI.wms Label Templates
- User interface and performance improvements
Version 2.22 PL9
- Choose between “last purchase price” and “last evaluated price” in Plus and Minus Booking
- Layout improvements in some modules to fit more content onto small screens
Version 2.22 (April 2022)
- Support Pick Lists based on Inventory Transfer Request
- Support for the batch/serial management method “On Release Only”
- Support filtering documents based the Warehouse the device is assigned to
- Delivery module shows more detailed delivery date and address information
- Support separate SAP Business One user login for each COBI.wms user/device
Version 2.20 (March 2022)
- In “Relocation” module: Support for Inventory Transfer based on Inventory Transfer Request
- New translation: Spanish
- New translation: Turkish
Version 2.18 PL19
- Support for Disassembly Production Orders
Version 2.18 PL10
- New option: Auto-select default bin location of item
Version 2.18 PL4
- Non-inventory items are omitted from the item list by default.
- New option: Show non-inventory items in item list.
Version 2.18 (December 2021)
- Reorganized options screen for better usability
- New option: Hide batch number date fields
- New option: Logged in user's name becomes booked document's remarks
- New option: Ignore size limit of ZPL bitmap command
Label printing
- New setting: DPI of ZPL printer
- Further optimize querying freight costs to fully fix the performance issues that were introduced in 2.16
- Significant performance improvements when receiving large amounts of data from HANA Proxy
Together with HANA Proxy 1.4, it should now be possible to query up to ~100,000 Item Master Data entries in a matter of 10-20 seconds. (Item master data is cached, so this waiting time only applies once every time you restart the app.)
- The Remarks field is now also searched when filtering documents
HANA Proxy 1.4
- Performance improvements when sending large amounts of data to the app
See release notes for app version 2.18 above for an accompanying optimization within the app.
Version 2.16 PL7
- Opening a document/line/etc. in a list, and then going back again, does not scroll to the top of the list and cause you to lose your position anymore
Version 2.16 PL6
- Querying of sales order freight costs optimized to greatly reduce load time of the Picking overview screen
Version 2.16 (November 2021)
Purchase Order
- New module to create a Purchase Order document
Request Relocation
- New module to create an Inventory Transfer Request document
Automatic Delivery Booking
- In the Picking module, you can now have all deliveries for selected pick lists booked automatically
Freight costs
- Freight costs on document-level as well as line-level are now copied from the base document
- Further performance improvements to SQL queries
Version 2.14 (October 2021)
Reserve Invoice
- Support for Deliveries based on Reserve Invoice
- Support for Pick Lists based on Reserve Invoice
- Coresuite Remote Print integration
- Support multiple ZPL printer addresses
- Label templates can contain item prices
- Significant performance improvements in SQL queries
Version 2.12 PL1
- Support for HTML tags in text lines. (Added by e.g. coresuite's Advanced Editor.)
- Pick list overview shows the comments of the pick lists.
Version 2.12 (September 2021)
- When adding lines to a document, newly added lines will have the same warehouse as the last line by default.
- When a document line only has a single batch number and/or a single bin location that is currently assigned, then the quantity of the line can be changed easily by clicking on the line and choosing “Change quantity”.
- In the serial numbers screen (e.g. while creating a document or while picking), multiple serial numbers can be selected via long-click and deleted all at once.
Receipt & Delivery
- Non-inventory items of orders are shown, and can be booked into the receipt or delivery.
- Text lines of orders are shown, and are copied into the receipt or delivery.
- Order lines with missing unit of measurement info are handled correctly. (This scenario can arise when the UoM-Group of an item is changed after documents with that item have already been created.)
- The Picker field of pick lists is displayed in the overview.
- When quantity to pick is 1, no quantity input is necessary after scanning the item.
- The sales order on which a pick list line is based can be seen in the details when long-clicking on the line.
- The Comments field of production orders are shown in the overview.
Item list
- The “available quantity” is now the same as in SAP Business One (OnHand - Committed + Ordered).
Label Printing
- Improved user-interface so you can select the label template, item, batch/serial number, and bin location all at once.
App Options
- You can now assign an Android device to a warehouse to have that warehouse selected automatically when adding document lines.
- New option: Use selected warehouse regardless of base document. In other words, ignore the warehouse of a base document (e.g. purchase/sales order), and instead always pre-select the warehouse chosen in the app options. (The warehouse can still always be manually changed.)
- New option: Stay in pick list after picking is completed. In other words, don't automatically close the current pick list and return to the overview after the “All lines picked” message box is dismissed.
Management Database
- In the API URL column of the Companies table, you may now use the special token
to represent the host of the management database itself, so for instance you can use a URL likehttp://{host}:50001/b1s/v1
if the Service Layer resides on the same server as the management database.
cobi.wms/release_notes.1693242601.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/28 19:10 by tkammer